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Life Is What Happens When . . .

I've been thinking . . . I do more of that as I get older. As I'm excited to welcome the possibilities of a new year, I wonder, "What did I accomplish in 2017?" It doesn't seem like much. I certainly didn't complete the goals I'd set for myself this time last year. How did that happen? How did the year pass so quickly with so little significant personal progress?

One day at a time.

One day of procrastinating. One day of letting fear of failure win. One day of refusing to step out of my comfort zone. And, then, one day, I'm here - 365 days later. Another year with little to show for it.

This year, I hope and pray, will be different. I've already begun to take steps to ensure that, as much as is in my power, it will be different. I'm writing and/or reading every single day. The first draft of the first chapter of my first book is complete.

That is just one of several changes I've begun to make, but it's the one most fraught with fear and previously endless delays and excuses.

Allen Saunders and John Lennon were right about most of us when they wrote, “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” We must get out of the habit of letting situations of life determine our paths and, instead, choose to live intentionally and with purpose. Every. Single. Day.

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