Wanted! New MaterialI don't know about you, but I'd rather be writing than six feet under! All our experiences, whether mundane or magnificent, are fodder...
Waste NotLazy writers waste words. They use three when one excellent, descriptive verb or adjective will do much better. That's what's called...
La FinNo, it's not the end of Caren Austen, Ink, but emphasis on the importance of ending well. As Longfellow put it, "Great is the art of...
Waiting for WingsWriting, especially when we put it out there for others to read, is a lot like jumping off a cliff. We're never quite sure if we'll fly...
KISSWe all know what K.I.S.S. stands for. Well, I'm changing it up a bit for my own purposes: Keep It Short, Stupid. I am in no way assuming...
Consider ThisAre you a scrupulous writer? I think the reason so many writers don't achieve their goals is that they lack natural talent, or they don't...
Do you feel it?"I laughed. I cried. I was moved." Isn't that what you want your readers to say about your book? I do! We have to feel it first. If your...
Got books?I read Jane Eyre and Tale of Two Cities every couple of years. I just can't get enough. The stories are great, but I keep learning from...
Getting Our AttentionWhoa! Isn't that the truth? When all feels right in our world, we go on our merry way without giving a thought to much except our own...